Archive for July, 2011

Summer Show Joshua Liner Gallery

July 28, 2011

Thomas Struth at Whitechapel Gallery

July 8, 2011

O Abundant Flower

July 6, 2011

RIP Cy Twombly

Torpedo: new painting

July 6, 2011



New painting for Stolen Space summer show ; Torpedo, oil on aluminium disc, 122cm diameter

Torpedo, details

July 6, 2011


July 1, 2011

Peter O Gara from Bluefingers an Irish  surf / art/ clothing label has written a little a post on his blog about me. Peter is an old friend from my Dublin time and I have lots of fond memories of him and the gang,  like the best memories they are fuzzy but I do know there were sunrises, sunsets and lots of dancing. To read the nice things he has said about me and my work head on over here. Oh and he also has a Graphic Design company called me+him +you, great name.  Big love to everyone in Ireland from the dancing days xx